Sunday, July 12, 2009

Half Way There

Greetings, fellow Woggers. For the first time I think ever, I'm going to miss an Abe's Army training and head out for a mini-vacation so I"ll miss Monday night. You're going to be in able (pardon the pun) hands with Maria and Melanie so enjoy your time. I believe they're thinking about heading the opposite direction - the fairgrounds and return. We'll post a training for next Saturday. It's going to be critical to completing Abe's Amble that you get in your long runs and the "power of the group" is pretty helpful. Please consider participating in the Saturday runs. I'll see you all next Saturday.
P.S. A special thanks to all who participated in the 30th Women's Distance Festival and to my soul sisters Maria and Melanie who helped in so many ways. Susan

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