Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Maria and Melanie are headed for sunny and probably HOT Florida this Saturday. If any of you are interested in an early Saturday morning run (probably starting at the War Monuments) at 7 a.m., let me know. If no recruits are interested, I'll probably pass. Please let me know your thoughts about running 5 vs. 6.2 miles on Monday. In the past, our group has actually met at the Main Gate and left from there which shaves approximately 1 mile off the total. Another thought was to try and run the course the following weekend. Thanks. Susan

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Susan: I can't count on running either Sat am or Monday night ... my dad is back in the hospital. And as my mom has Alzheimer's, I've got my hands full! I'll try to get my miles in and hope to catch up with guys soon. Thanks, Judy Erwin judyerwin43@gmail.com